May 29, 2024

ThirdMedia Presents Insights at University of Bath in UK

Authored by David Jackson, Founder of ThirdMedia.

 ThirdMedia Presents Insights at University of Bath in UK

I recently had the privilege of presenting at the prestigious University of Bath, one of the top universities in the UK and a leading global institution for business knowledge sharing. This event, run by the Bath Blockchain Innovations Group, was a fantastic opportunity to share ThirdMedia's journey and insights about the world of blockchain and digital marketing.

A Journey from the Cotswolds to Silicon Valley

The talk began with an introduction to my background as a marketing consultant for small businesses in the Cotswolds. This experience laid the foundation for my transition into the web3 space, where I found my passion for blockchain technology. Starting my own marketing channels and building a following of over 100,000 people was a pivotal step that propelled my career forward.

I shared my personal journey to show how people can grow in the web3 space, just like I did. My move to Silicon Valley as a Marketing Director marked a significant milestone. It was a life-changing experience that took me from an average job to leading marketing initiatives for major brands like OpenSea and The Royal Mint. This period was not just about professional growth but also about understanding the intricacies of venture capital, investments, and the vast financial potentials within the blockchain sector.

Empowering Through Blockchain

One of the highlights of my presentation was discussing ThirdMedia's efforts to empower individuals in Africa through seminars with the e-learning platform and our business partner, We teach participants how to set up wallets and find work where they can be paid in crypto. This initiative enables them to work in areas like marketing and BD outreach, making it easier for them to get hired and paid. This illustrates the transformative power of blockchain in bridging economic divides and creating global opportunities.

Our seminar in Africa taught individuals how they can find global business opportunities

Opportunities in the Web3 Space

The presentation concluded with an emphasis on the vast opportunities available in the web3 space. I encouraged the audience to explore diverse roles, from development and marketing to data science. The web3 sector is a billion-dollar industry filled with some of the brightest minds, and it extends far beyond just a trading marketplace.

Engaging Discussions and Future Prospects

The event was a resounding success, sparking numerous questions from attendees. There was significant interest in our work in Africa, and it was great to see such a high level of engagement and curiosity from the audience.

Acknowledgements and Gratitude

The Bath Blockchain Innovations Group event would not have been possible without the contributions of various companies and academics. Special thanks to OmniIndex and nChain for their participation, and Pascal Loizeau, Virgilio Failla, Steven Boakes, Chris Tickell, Emma Riddle, and Shannon Stodd  for putting on such a great event.

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